Meet, enjoy one another’s company and have fun!

Upcoming meetings

15 Jul 2024


Shipwrecks in Filey Bay

A talk by local historian Catherine Welch, including the Battle of Flamborough Head in 1779.

27 Jul 2024


Summer Fair

Our annual Summer Fair at the Evron Centre, Filey from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Stalls with crafts, games refreshments and baked goods. All procceds donated to a local Charity.

29 Jul 2024


Charity Presentation

The evening when we present the proceeds of our Summer Fair to the chosen charity and learn more about their work in the community.

12 Aug 2024


Keeping Scarbourough Tidy

A talk by Mick Couzens, co-ordinator of the the group of over 60 volunteers who are doing their bit to keep the town looking it’s best.

About us

Filey Ladies Monday club meets every two weeks in the Community Hall at the Methodist Church in Station Ave, it is an independent group not affiliated to any other organisation.

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Our history

Filey Ladies Monday club meets every two weeks in the Community Hall at the Methodist Church in Station Ave, it is an independent group not affiliated to any other organisation.

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Join us

The club has a membership of around 60 ladies of all ages who meet every fortnight on a Monday evening to listen to a variety of speakers on many topics, or to watch a demonstration of some particular skill, or occasionally just to meet to socialise and chat. This is a friendly club and new members are always made very welcome.

Find out how to join